Reduce Instrument Downtime with Sample Preparation

19th Jan 2022

Reduce Instrument Downtime with Sample Preparation

Reducing downtime in the laboratory saves time and money spent on getting the instrument back up and running. One easy way to reduce the downtime of your HPLC is to prolong the life of your HPLC columns so they don’t have to be replaced as frequently. Sample preparation is an important step to achieving good chromatography, but it also helps maximize column lifetime by reducing excess particulates from being injected into the instrument. We also recommend inline filters and guard columns to collect particulates so they don’t build up on the analytical column (they’re less expensive than analytical columns and are easy to replace).

What Sample Prep Methods are Best?

There are a variety of sample preparation methods from ‘dilute and shoot’ to SLE or LLE. Some sample preparation methods are better for certain applications than others. Filtration is an easy and inexpensive way to reduce particulates in a sample by passing the sample through a membrane. The larger particles won’t pass through, leaving a cleaner sample to inject. We offer numerous filtration options, so you can use the best option for your specific applications. Centrifuge filter tubes are commonly used as an inexpensive and quick way to filter multiple samples at once. If you’re just planning to filter a few samples at a time, syringe filters are another economical option and are quite simple to use. Plus we always keep them in stock and ready to ship. One other popular filtration option is our Filter Vials, which eliminates the need for multiple transfer steps of the sample. The autosampler friendly filter vials have a filter, an autosampler vial, and a cap all in one simple to use design.


If your workflow is missing a sample preparation step, reach out to our team of chromatography experts to find out what method may work best for your analysis. Sample preparation will improve your analysis by providing cleaner samples for better chromatography and longer column lifetime.